Enable smart saving.
Switch your business to green electricity from RES

Products and services

Sales of energy

Energy balancing


Green electricity

Grow your business smartly! Opt for eco-energy solutions for your business to optimize your energy purchasing costs. Your company will be eco-friendly and Eco means better!

Energynat Solutions in cooperation with energy industry partner – Veolia Contracting Poland offer a service of supplying your company with 100% green electricity.

Our offer is addressed to companies and local government units, both those which have PV power plants or other RES power generation sources, which need additional energy, and those which do not have power generation sources but are interested in purchasing green energy from RES sources.

Choose an offer tailored to the needs and specifics of your business.

Flexible offer

The model is based on settlement prices for the Day-Ahead Market (DAM), operated by Towarowa Giełda Energii S.A. (TGE – Polish Power Exchange)

Fixed-price offer

Fixed energy price for a period from one year to even 10 years in the cPPA energy purchase model


In the flexible offer, the customer bears the actual costs of energy purchase applicable on the wholesale market at a given hour of the trading day or according to the average price for a given day.

Ability to sell surplus energy produced by a PV system at high prices during the day and buy back at night at lower prices.

A fixed price guaranteed by a reliable supplier – Veolia Poland – means predictability of business for years to come.

Up to 85% of energy is returned to your business. In a fixed-price offer, we also guarantee to buy back surplus energy at a fixed, attractive price. Ability to resell surplus energy at a fixed price for up to 5 years.

Ability to sell surplus energy produced by a PV system during the day at high peak prices and buy back at night off-peak at lower prices. You can generate even higher savings for your business by managing your energy purchases and sales.

Surplus energy can also be balanced with other power takeoff points within a single contract.


Lower energy prices on the wholesale market

In a flexible model, you pay for your energy according to the wholesale market prices in effect on a given day or even hour.

Low price guarantee

In a fixed price model, you get stability and a price guarantee from our partner Veolia, while you focus on growing your business.

Simple and flexible contract

No hidden fees. Simple rules and flexible power purchase models.

Additional profit

Ability to sell surplus energy produced by a PV system at high prices during the day and buy back at lower prices at night.

Flexible purchasing model

Optimizing energy purchase costs by purchasing on the DAM, balancing market or at a fixed price. Possible purchase in up to 4 installments!

Even more savings

Up to 20% higher savings from renewable energy installations, thanks to the Smart Energy service.

Energy balancing

We offer our customers electricity balancing according to individual balancing and energy purchase models.

Our service is addressed to customers who operate installations generating surplus electricity, with the possibility of using it in other power takeoff points, including those without PV installation.

In this way, the customer has the opportunity to use their own energy on favorable terms, without having to resell it.


We offer our customers the sale of electricity under the cPPA formula. Energy in the cPPA model, thanks to the balancing service, can be supplied to one or many power takeoff points regardless of their location.

We guarantee a fixed electricity price over a long time horizon.

We provide development of business model and full legal services related to the cPPA and turnkey construction of your own photovoltaic power plant.

Frequently asked questions

About the Company

RES specialists

We specialize in the design and construction of roof-mounted PV power plants, co-generation, electromobility, services for balancing surplus energy produced to other takeoff points, the sale and repurchase of green energy, optimization of consumption profiles and energy purchase costs, using cPPA models and TGE exchange mechanisms.

We also specialize in services of balancing the surplus of energy produced to other takeoff points, sale and repurchase of green energy, optimization of consumption profiles and energy purchase costs, using cPPA models and TGE exchange mechanisms.


Smart Energy

Our technical solutions are complemented by tailor-made, flexible energy purchase and settlement models based, among others, on energy exchange indices.

The target of PV installations offered by us are primarily small and medium-sized companies. To large companies and local authorities, we offer an innovative energy transition service based on moving to 100% renewable energy (RES), guaranteeing, in addition to financial benefits and security, a significant reduction in the company’s carbon footprint and its negative impact on the environment.


Over 1300 completed installations!

Own installation

Top quality installation, prompt service

Audit, Design
and Quotation

We tailor every project to customer’s needs

Get a Quote

Yield Guarantee

Choose the best equipment and be guaranteed the highest yields

High quality and up to 25 years long warranty

We offer equipment from reliable manufacturers only with of up to 25 years long warranties

Balancing, storage and sale of energy

Save up to 20% more with additional services


Together we create and deliver innovative solutions enabling energy transformation

Energynat Capital Group is one of the fastest growing entities of RES industry in Poland, supplying more than 350 MW of components for PV installations annually and creating innovative solutions for the energy transformation of companies and local governments. Our team is made up of experts in the RES industry.

Contact us

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